domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012

Mariano Sousa Marka Golo Rua

Mariano Sousa hosi FC Timor iha Peterborough marka golo rua iha Peterborough Liga Internasional, joga 7x7, iha loron domingo, 26/03, tuku 6-7 kalan.

FC Timor partisipa iha Peterborough Liga Internasional hodi Timor Leste nia naran iha palku football iha sidadi Peterborough.

Oras ne'e daudaun FC Timor iha ranting 4. Hamutuk team 8 maka tuir kompetisaun internasional nebe komesa iha fulan Novembro 2011 to'o Marsu 2012.

Celso Oliveira

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

Komunidadi Timor Iha peterborough Prepara Festa 20/05/12

Komunidadi Timoroan iha Peterborough halo reuniaun iha Igreja St. Peter and All Soul's nia salaun, loron 18/05/12, hodi koalia konaba preparasaun vizita ofisial nebe Konsul Timor Leste iha UK atu halo mai Timoroan iha Peterborough no prepasaun atu komemora tinan 10 loron Independensia Nasional, 20/05/12, iha sidadi Peterborough.

Atu komemora tinan 10, loron Independensia Nasional, 20/05/12, komunidadi Timor iha Peterborough sei halo atividades tuir mai:
1. Tornamentu football entre Timoroan iha sidadi Peterborough.
2. Konsertu muziku hosi Timoroan hela iha sidadi peterborough.
3. Expozisaun produtus orijinais Timor nian iha sidadi Peterborough.
4. Missa.
5. Festa ou konvivio maun-alin (fraternal).

Celso Oliveira

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

Bandeira Timor Leste Iha Momentu Neve Monu Iha Sidadi Peterborough, 2012

Timoroan lubun ida hela iha sidadi Peterborough, UK, hasai foto hamutuk lori mos bandeira Timor Leste iha loron neve monu iha loron 09/02 liu ba.

Iha tinan 2012 ne'e, neve monu dala rua (4 no 9/02) iha sidadi Peterboorugh, UK.

sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Turnamentu Tebe Bola Kansela Tamba Neve Monu

Neve monu iha sidadi Peterborough, UK, halo organizador Peterborough International League, jogo 7x7, kansela turnamentu ba dala rua ona.

Iha domingo dala rua (5 no 12/02) jogo tebe bola laiha tamba neve monu iha loron 4 no 9 fulan februari nia laran.

Ekipa tebe bola "FC Timor" halo parti iha turnamentu Peterborough International League, jogo 7x7. Turnamentu ne'e sei hotu iha fulan Marsu tinan ida ne'e.

Se karik la iha neve maka monu tan, entaun turnamentu ne'e sei kontinua fila fali iha loron domingo (19/02) tuku 6 lokoraik .

Celso Oliveira

segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012

Rita Ribeiro Vizita Timoroan Iha Peterborough, UK

Membru komunidadi Timoroan iha Peterborough hasoru malun ho Sekretaria Konsul Timor Leste iha UK, Rita Ribeiro

Membru komunidadi Timoroan no team football Timor FC hasoru malun ho sekretaria konsul Timor Leste, Rita Ribeiro, iha kinta kalan, 02/02/12, iha Peterborough.

Iha enkontru ne'e koalia konaba interesse hosi konsul Timor Leste iha UK nebe hakarak halo vizita ofisial ba komunidadi Timoroan no autoridadi lokal iha Peterborough no mos koalia konaba preparasaun atu komemora tinan 10 loron Independensia Nasional, 20 de Maio de 2012 nebe sei halo iha sidadi Peterborough, UK.

Hosi komunidadi Timor Leste representa membru nain tolu: Celso Oliveira, Ana Rosa no Zito Araujo. Hosi team football Timor FC representa membru nain rua: Zito Carvalho no Severino Carvalho.

Oras ne'e komunidadi Timoroan iha Peterborough prepara atu komemora loron Independensia Nasional, 20/05/12 ho atividades: desportivas, culturas, selebrasaun eukaristika no convivio fraternal.

Celso Oliveira

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012


Who Are We?

DAMAO as known by the Portuguese or DAMAN in English is a very ancient city founded by King Rudra Daman in the 2nd Century B.C. It is a picturesque Port-Town, which was conquered by the Portuguese Viceroy D. Costantino De Braganca on 2nd of February 1559. It remained a Portuguese Colony till December 1961 when it passed into Indian hands. Today it is a Federal Territory under the Central Government of India. It is situated on the West Coast of India with an area of 72 and unspoilt beaches stretching of about 12 kms. It is bathed by the Arabian Sea and is about 193 kms north of the Metropolitan City of Mumbai (or Bombay).

Daman boasts of having the first Municipality in Asia. In its early days Daman was a Vast Diocese. Mumbai formed part of Daman Diocese. Like elsewhere in India wherever the Portuguese went they built beautiful, magnificent churches and chapels, some of them being
the most beautiful in Portuguese World.

Besides Daman there is Diu a tiny island on the Coast of Saurashtra in the State of Gujarat, and Goa with its golden beaches, Goa houses the scared relics of St. Francis Xavier the apostle of the Indies who along with the Dominicans and the Jesuits brought Christianity to this part of the world.

India was known as the jewel in the Crown for the British who ruled all over India, and granted Independence in 1947, but Goa, Daman and Diu although in Main land India always remained a Colony of the Portuguese till 1961. Theses Colonies always remained faithful to the Portuguese Crown. Daman is a beautiful piece of Mosaic in the great jigsaw puzzle that is India.

The people of Daman known as the 'DAMANENSES' are true to their patriotic spirit, the Catholics of Daman are the only people in the whole India who has Portuguese as their mother- tongue even after 450 years. They are very lively hard working and law abiding citizens. Faithful in their religious devotions and traditions, which dates back from the early days of the Portuguese in India. Besides they also have a very rich and colourful culture and equally rich cuisine. It said that a DAMANENSES wherever in the world they go will carry with them their centuries old religious traditions, devotions their rich culture and their exotic cuisine and make sure that their children will carry on. They are great devotees of St. Anthony of Lisbon and Our Lady of Fatima.

At St. Peter and All Souls Church in Peterborough the Portuguese element is today substantial. This large community come from all over the Portuguese speaking world both from the continent, from their former African Colonies, from Brazil, and especially the Damanenses of Portuguese origin, whose community consist of about 50 families with 350 members mostly living in east gate area of the city. The first contingent of Damanenses people arrived in Peterborough in 1992 and finding the place a welcoming city encouraged others to come, there is also a much larger contingent of Damanense people at the Scared Heart parish in Leicester City and at St. Joseph Parish in Wembley North London. They always stick together in thick and thin. The vast number of Portuguese people in Peterborough arrived here soon after Portugal became part of the E.U in 1986. They still continue to do so, the latest to arrive are some from Macao and East Timor former Portuguese enclaves in China and Indonesia.

There is also quite a large number of Indians Originating from South Of India a region whose Christianity dates back to the early days of the Church, which was evangelised by St. Thomas one of the 12 Disciples of Jesus who carried the light of the gospel to these alien lands.

The Catholics are a minority in India, 1.5% of the population of over a billion people but the faith in India is still very strong, long after their Colonial masters had left. The faith is especially strong in the North East, The West coast of India, the South of India and other mission fields the level of Vocation continue to be good. Many of the missions are today run by the native missionary Society besides the Silesians and the Jesuits.

Information by:
B. Mendonca
B.A Bombay
BSC London
For further information on Daman go to

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

Parabens Amo Belo

Ho Laran ksolok tebes, Komunidadi Timoroan iha Peterborough, UK, hato'o PARABENS ba Amo Bispo Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, nebe ohin, 03 de Fevereiru de 2012 halo tinan 64.

Husu tinan naruk no rahun diak nafatin, saude diak no felicidade nafatin.


Komunidadi Timoroan iha Peterborough