quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

"East Timorese Association of Peterborough" iha 2010

Madre Mary, Pe. David no Pe. Jhon ho salendang Timor Leste

Iha Tinan 2010…
- 27/02/10, ho apoio hosi Igreja St. Peter & All Souls hamrik Assosiasaun Timor oan iha Peterborough naran: "East Timorese Association of Peterborough". Membru nain 5: Celso, Estanislau, Zito, Ana i Cirtovao.
- 13/03/10, komunidadi halibur hamutuk iha Igreja St. Peter & All Souls koalia konaba oinsa atu halao "East Timorese Association of Peterborough". Membru nain 2 tama: Salvador i Clara
- 14/05/10, membru assosiasaun nain 3 (Celso, Salvador no Zito) hasoru malun ho New Link koalia konaba Konstituisaun ba East Timorese Association of Peterborough.
- 12/09/10, komunidadi halibur hamutuk iha Igreja St. Peter & All Souls koalia konaba: saida maka komunidadi no oinsa sai membru iha komunidadi.
- 04/12/10, membru komunidadi halibur hamutuk ho Polisia iha Igreja St. Peter & All Souls, koalia konaba EDL (English Defende League) nebe halo manifestasaun iha 11/12 iha Peterborough.
- Iha loron 12 fulan Dezembro tinan 2010, komunidadi hotu-hotu iha Peterborough hamutuk iha “ONE VOICE, ONE COMMUNITY” halo deklarasaun hodi kria paz no harmonia iha Peterborough. Komunidadi Timor Leste mos halo parti.
- 19/12/10 familia Timor tuir retiru molok Natal hamutuk ho padre Tony, iha Igreja St. Peter & All Souls nia salaun. Hodi tema: “Formar Parte Numa Minoria”. Hamutuk Timor oan 17 representa família Timor oan iha Peterborough maka tuir retiro ida ne’e.

Celso Oliveira

domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Timor Oan Elabora Estatuto ba East Timorese Association of Peterborough

Timor oan lubun ida halibur hamutuk iha Igreja St. Peter & All Souls, Peterborough, iha domingo, loron 20 fulan fevereiru, hodi koalia konaba estatuto ba “East Timorese Association of Peterborough”.

Duranti halibur malun oras rua nia laran, Timor oan sira haksesuk malun konaba naran, membrus, objektivus no seluk-seluk tan hodi hari’i East Timorese Association of Peterborough.

East Timorese Association of Peterborough hanesan assosiasaun Timor oan nebe iha objektivus:
1. Atu halibur komunidadi Timoroan ho sira nia familia no maluk sira hotu.
2. Atu prezerva kultura no hametin relasaun sosial iha komunidadi Timoroan.
3. Atu haburas amizade no solidariedadi ba malun.
4. Atu dezenvolve meius integrasaun iha komunidadi nia laran, nomos atu hasa'e liu tan ema nia konhesimentu ba kultura Timor nian.
5. Atu dezenvolve konhesimentu ba kostume no kultura iha komunidadi lokal.

Celso Oliveira

terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Komunidadi Timor oan Iha Peterborough Halibur Hamutuk

Komunidadi Timor oan iha Peterborough sei halibur hamutuk iha Igreja St. Peter and All Soul's nia salaun iha loron domingo, 20 fulan Fevereiru, tuku 7 kalan, hodi elabora Estatuto ba "East Timorese Association of Peterborough".

Iha halibur hamutuk ne'e sei koalia mos konaba partisipasaun komunidadi iha census nasional nebe sei halo iha sidadi Peterborough iha loron 27 fulan Marsu tinan 2011.

Mos, iha halibur hamutuk ne'e sei koalia konaba partisipasaun komunidadi iha missa nebe sei halo iha loron 11, fulan Junho tinan 2011, iha Katedral Peterborough.

Celso Oliveira

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Letter From Kasia Chiva

Dear Celso

On the 27 March 2011 every household in the country will be required to complete a Census questionnaire. To ensure Peterborough secures the maximum return rate, we plan to promote the Census by holding a series of Census Completion Events. These will encourage people to come along to strategic locations where they can obtain help with completing their Census forms.

The first of these events will be held at Peterborough Town Hall on Census Day – Sunday 27 March 2011 from 12 noon until 4 pm.

We plan to make this Town Hall event a celebration of the Census. To help us, Peterborough Museum and the City Archivist will be putting on a Victorian display showing how previous Census data has helped them in their work. In addition, to promote the multi-cultural aspects of the city, we have invited key community groups to provide refreshments based on their traditions both current and those in the past.

The Mayor of Peterborough will be opening the event - the details of the event are:

Date: 27 March 2011
Location: Peterborough Town Hall, Bridge Street, Peterborough. PE1 1HF
Time: 12 noon (which will be the time of the opening)

I really hope that you will be able to attend this event. I would be very grateful if you could inform us as to whether or not this is possible. Just give me a ring or send an email.

Kind regards,
Kasia Chiva
Census 2011 Team

quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

Reuniaun Konaba Violensia Domestik no Proteksaun ba Labarik

Komunidadi Timor organiza reuniaun ho familia sira iha Peterborough hodi koalia konaba Violensia Domestik no Proteksaun ba Labarik.
Reuniaun sei halo iha Igreja St. Peter and the All Soul's nia salaun, loron domingo (6/02) komesa 7 kalan.

Tuir rejistu nebe komunidadi iha, hateten katak oras ne'e iha labarik 33 hosi familia 21 maka hela iha Peterborough.
Tinan-tinan moris labarik Timor oan iha sidadi Peterborough. Iha 2010 moris labarik nain 6.