sábado, 13 de março de 2010

Timorese Government will open a consultant in Manchester of England

The Timorese Government through the Foreign Affairs Ministry will open Timorese consultant in the Manchester of England this year.

The Government has planned to set up its Consultant in the Manchester in order to facilitate and control the 16 thousand of the Timorese people who are now living in Northern Ireland and England.

Radio Timor-Leste, March 12, 2010

sábado, 6 de março de 2010

East Timorese Association Hamrik iha Peterborough

Iha loron 27 fulan Fevereiru, Timor oan lubun ida iha sidadi Peterborough halibur hamutuk iha salaun Igreja The All Souls hamutuk ho amu lulik, representanti hosi Greater Peterborough Partnership no PCSO hodi hari'i "East Timorese Association of Peterborough".

"East Timorese Association of Peterborough" iha objektivus:
1. Atu halibur komunidadi Timor oan ho sira nia familia no maluk sira hotu.
2. Atu prezerva kultura no hametin relasaun sosial iha komunidadi Timor oan.
3. Atu haburas amizade no solidariedadi ba malun.
4. Atu dezenvolve meius integrasaun iha komunidadi nia laran, nomos atu hasa'e liu tan ema nia konhesimentu ba kultura Timor nian.
5. Atu dezenvolve konhesimentu ba kostume no kultura iha komunidadi lokal.

Celso Oliveira